The National Population Council (NPC) was established by the National Population Council, Act 485, 1994, to advise Government on all population matters. The NPC is the highest statutory body set up to advice Government on the population and related issues. The NPC is a parastatal body located in the office of the President.
Mandate of Council
The council has the following mandate:
Recommend for government consideration such as policies or changes in the population policy as it may deem necessary.
Interpret and review from time to time the population policy of the country and advice government accordingly, taking into consideration the political, economic, socio-cultural and legal realities of the country.
Represent and/or advice government on the means of generating internal and external resources and their co-ordination to support the implementation of the population policy and programme.
Guide and promote the implementation of comprehensive population programme, which should be integrated within the framework of the development policy of the country.
Set operational targets for programme performance and expected impact and recommend strategies for their attainment.
Ensure the full participation of the private sector in attaining the set of population targets/goals.
Co-ordinate and monitor population programmes of other organisations both public and private within the country.
Function in any other ways that would promote sustainable population programmes and activities in order to improve the well-being of the people of Ghana.
Our Vision
A better quality of life for the people of Ghana through effective population management.
Our Mission
To advise Government on population and related issues and to ensure that population considerations remain central to development planning by effectively coordination the implementation of the national population policy through advocacy and networking to integrate population variables into programming at all levels.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]