Technical Advisory Committee
To reinforce the technical base required for taking decisions, the Council has established multi-sectoral and/or multi-disciplinary Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) to assist it in helping to identify intervention programmes for addressing population policy issues. There are currently three committees, responsible for:
- Population Policy and Programmes,
- Research, Monitoring and Evaluation,
- Training and Institutional Capacity Building.
These technical committees are expected to support the Secretariat in advising Council. Council is therefore expected to refer technical issues to them for action. The committees are also free to initiate discussion on any major national issue with population implications.
Membership of the committees is based on individual expertise and members bring broader and varied perspectives and experiences to help with the work of the Council. The functions of these committees include:
- assisting the NPC and the Secretariat to determine the appropriate policies, programmes and tasks pertaining to each specialized area;
- determining and sustaining the working links among sector and participating agencies;
- advising on key and relevant technical matters relating to the implementation of population programmes;
- serving as link between the NPC and the programme implementing agencies.